Read the full articleEczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a skin disease that causes an itchy rash.… Supported by: Overview Eczema, also known as “atopic dermatitis,” is a noncontagious, inflammatory skin condition that is characterized by severe itching, redness, oozing, and scaly rashes. These symptoms can be painful,…
Statement on race disparities in asthma
Read the full articleFrom the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology… The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology joins with the nation in this time of despair and sorrow and decries racial injustice wherever it is found. As physicians and healers, we know that racial…
Why is it important to get tested for a penicillin allergy?
Read the full articleWhen people are evaluated, it turns out that 90 to 95% will tolerate a penicillin-based antibiotic after an evaluation by… English Transcript Allergist Allison Ramsey, MD: It's important to get tested for penicillin allergy because chances are you are not allergic to penicillin. So…
Allergies and Asthma on Vacation
Read the full articlePreparation and prevention pave the way to successful travel for the millions who have allergies and asthma. We have the… Things to Do Before You Go Preparation and prevention pave the way to successful travel for the millions who have allergies and asthma. We…
What are the different inhalers used for - quick relief vs controller?
Read the full articleThe way you get your child's asthma under control is to go see your allergist and make sure that their… English Transcript Allergist Andrea A. Pappalardo, MD: The medicine that you're going to take if you can't breathe very well is called a quick…
Are All Types of Asthma the Same? Not by a Long Shot
Read the full articleAsthma and Allergy Awareness Month is the ideal time to get word out on the different types of asthma, as… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (APRIL 17, 2024) – If you don’t have asthma, you may think all types of asthma look and act the same. You’d be…
10 tips to keep 'achoos' from interrupting your 'I do's'
Read the full articleWhile selecting the color scheme and writing your vows, don't forget another important consideration: allergies.… You want your wedding day to be memorable for all the right reasons. While selecting the color scheme and writing your vows, don't forget another important consideration: allergies. The…
Can my child with asthma play in school sports?
Read the full articleThe way you get your child's asthma under control is to go see your allergist and make sure that their… English Transcript Allergist Mitchell Grayson, MD: Your child with asthma can absolutely participate in school sports. The important thing is to make sure that…
Make Summer Camp Plans Now for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Read the full articleIt takes a lot of preparation to get a child out the door to camp, so parents are already laying… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (April 11, 2024) – If you have fond memories of days spent at summer camp when you were a kid, you probably weren’t…
What is Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria? How do I know if I suffer from it?
Read the full articleChronic spontaneous urticaria, or hives, is a condition where people will have itching, sometimes pain, and sometimes body part… English Transcript Allergist Curtis Hedberg, MD: CSU, otherwise known as chronic spontaneous urticaria, or for most of us, we know it as hives, is a…
I'm allergic to my pet but don't want to get rid of them, what should I do?
Read the full articleMost people really don't want to get rid of their pets, and even when they do many of their friends… English Transcript Allergist James Tracy, DO: Many people are often told by their their caregivers that if you're allergic to cats or dogs which…
Is postnasal drip related to allergies?
Read the full articleThere are several different medications that can be used to treat postnasal drip, which is a very annoying symptom.… English Transcript Allergist Janna Tuck, MD: It's not always allergic, believe it or not. Some patients have postnasal drip and they've been treated with allergy…
El ABC del asma
Read the full article¿Qué es el asma? ¿Cómo se trata? Entérese aquí.… Supported by: ¿Qué es el asma? La estrella del fútbol David Beckham. La actriz Jessica Alba. El cantante Billy Joel. ¿Qué tienen en común estos famosos? Todos tienen asma, una enfermedad crónica que provoca la inflamación…
Read the full articleInformación acerca del asma Esta hoja informativa explica cómo controlar los síntomas del asma para vivir una vida activa y… Información acerca del asma Esta hoja informativa explica cómo controlar los síntomas del asma para vivir una vida activa y saludable. Información fundamental acerca de…
Síntomas del asma
Read the full articleAsthma symptoms may be triggered by exposure to an allergen, irritants in the air, or extreme weather conditions.… Supported by: Resumen Se calcula que en Estados Unidos el asma afecta a unos 24 millones de personas, muchas de las cuales pueden no ser conscientes de…
El asma en los niños
Read the full articleEl asma es una enfermedad común que afecta a 6 millones de niños en los Estados Unidos, según los Centros… Resumen El asma es una enfermedad común que afecta a 20 milliones de adultos y 4.6 millones de niños en los Estados Unidos, según los…
Read the full articleKeeping you up to date with the latest allergy and asthma information.… Slides #1About one quarter (25.7%) of adults have a seasonal allergy, while nearly 1 in 5 children (18.9%) have a seasonal allergy.Slides #2Allergic diseases, which include asthma, are the fifth most prevalent…
Asthma Facts
Read the full article8.3% of Americans have asthma.… Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes coughing, chest tightness, wheezing or shortness of breath.7.7% of Americans have asthma. Of these roughly 24.9 million, 20.2 million are adults and 4.6 million are children.1Asthma prevalence is…
Insect Sting Allergies
Read the full articleStings from five insects - honeybees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and fire ants - are known to cause allergic reactions… OverviewIt’s more common to fear an insect sting than to actually be allergic to one. An allergist is an expert who can explain the difference between an…
Occupational Asthma
Read the full articleIf you experience wheezing, coughing, chest tightness or shortness of breath at work, you may have occupational asthma.… OverviewPeople with this condition usually work around chemical fumes, dust or other irritants in the air. If you’ve been diagnosed with asthma that has another cause, it can be…
2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule
Read the full articleThis article summarizes key proposals concerning the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule that impact allergy practices.… On Nov. 1, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule (Final Rule), addressing, among other things: Medicare payments: Overall,…
How to use NPs and PAs in allergy practice
Read the full articleThere is a lot to consider when looking to increase patient access and grow your practice. Working with APCs may… Whether you’re looking to grow your practice, improve patient access or keep up the continuum of care when an allergist in your practice retires,…
The Allergists’ Foundation’s success in 2024
Read the full articleTogether we can grow the program and support projects that make a difference for our specialty, our patients and our… It has been my pleasure to serve as the president of the Allergists’ Foundation this past year, and I would like to take a…
Support the Foundation
Read the full articleGive Directly Your donation supports the Allergists’ Foundation’s mission of empowering practicing allergists and removing barriers to care. Donate Now… Give Directly Your donation supports the Allergists' Foundation's mission of empowering practicing allergists and removing barriers to care. Donate Now By giving to The Allergists’…
"Time for an Allergist" Campaign Toolkit
Read the full articleLearn more about the campaign and how to use the toolkit resources: “Do patients and primary care providers know all… About the campaign and how to use the Toolkit Learn more about the campaign and how to use the toolkit resources: "Do patients and…
Clinical Trial Resources
Read the full articleWelcome to the ACAAI Clinical Trial Resource page which connects physicians to existing clinical trials in allergy, asthma and immunology… Welcome to the ACAAI Clinical Trial Resource page which connects physicians to existing clinical trials in allergy, asthma and immunology led by our pharmaceutical partners.…
FDA proposes phenylephrine removal from oral OTC drugs
Read the full articleOnly a final order will affect which products may be marketed. The proposed order is based on effectiveness concerns, not… On Nov. 7, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a proposed order to remove oral phenylephrine as an active ingredient used in OTC…
2025 ICD-10 updates
Read the full articleThese guidelines have been developed to identify the diagnoses that are being reported at the highest level of specificity… HHS provides the following guidelines for coding and reporting updates to ICD-10. They’ve been developed to identify the diagnoses that are being reported at the…
November issue of Annals focuses on COVID-19 and its long-term effects
Read the full articleThe November issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is focused on COVID-19 and its long-term effects.… November has arrived, the elections have passed, fall is in full swing, and so is the respiratory viral season. This issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma…
Advocacy Council Board of Directors
Read the full articleThe Advocacy Council assists in resolving complex payment disputes, monitors and lobbies elected officials and government agencies, and more.… The Advocacy Council keeps practicing allergists abreast of critical issues, assists in resolving complex payment disputes, monitors and lobbies state and federal elected officials and…
2025 Medicare PFS final rule results in pay cut for allergists
Read the full articleIt’s official: allergists will receive a huge Medicare payment reduction unless Congress acts to prevent these cuts from taking… Late Friday afternoon, CMS released the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule which announced a 2.83% decrease in the conversion factor – from $33.2875…
Meet the 2024-25 College President
Read the full articleAt the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston, James Tracy, DO, FACAAI was installed as the 2024-25 College president.… At the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston, James Tracy, DO, FACAAI was installed as the 2024-25 College president. He is a partner with Allergy,…
2024 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting Photo Gallery
Read the full articlePlenary moderators Dr. Kristin C. Sokol (left) and Dr. Colby A. Stone, Jr., present a plaque to Dr. Mariana C.… Plenary moderators Dr. Kristin C. Sokol (left) and Dr. Colby A. Stone, Jr., present a plaque to Dr. Mariana C. Castells, who gave the…
FIT Bowl, 2010-2019
Read the full articleBelow are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 2010-2019.… Below are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 2010-2019. 2010 FIT Bowl #19 ACAAI President: Sami L. Bahna, MD,…
FIT Bowl, 2020-2029
Read the full articleHere are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 2020-2029.… Below are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 2020-2029, as they become available. 2020 FIT Bowl #29 ACAAI President:…
FIT Bowl, 1992-1999
Read the full articleBelow are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 1992-1999.… Below are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 1992-1999. 1992 FIT Bowl #1 (Premiere) ACAAI 50th Anniversary ACAAI President:…
FIT Bowl, 2000-2009
Read the full articleBelow are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 2000-2009.… Below are the winning programs and teams of the annual ACAAI FIT Bowls between the years 2000-2009. 2000 FIT Bowl #9 ACAAI President: Don Q. Mitchell, MD,…
Read the full articleThe American College of Allergists was officially incorporated as a legal entity on November 23, 1942.… ACAAI's History The American College of Allergists was officially incorporated as a legal entity on November 23, 1942. The American College of Allergists, the precursor organization of our current…
Read the full articleThe ACAAI Fit Bowl is patterned after a popular TV quiz show. Teams representing programs from all over North America compete for the coveted FIT Bowl trophy. The teams test their knowledge, cleverness and ability to listen to questions in a fast-paced environment…
Awards and Lectureships
Read the full articleGold-Headed Cane Award The Gold-Headed Cane Award, voted on by members, honors a Fellow of at least 20 years who… Gold-Headed Cane AwardThe Gold-Headed Cane Award, voted on by members, honors a Fellow of at least 20 years who best demonstrates the pursuit of the…
AllergyTalk Disparities in Atopic Dermatitis Miniseries Episode 2: The Influence of Skin of Color in Diagnosing and Managing Patients with AD
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will describe the influence of skin color in diagnosing and managing patients with atopic dermatitis.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing…
Practical Implementation of the USP 797 Rule
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $25 non-membersThe new USP Chapter 797 standards on sterile compounding become effective Nov. 1, 2023. This webinar describes the steps your practice needs to take to be compliant with allergen extract mixing. We review the specific requirements for:Personnel…
State of the Art Food Immunotherapy
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members, $25 non-membersRecorded on: 6/7/2022Several new therapies including OIT, EPIT, SLIT, and biologics (monoclonal antibodies) are being evaluated in large scale trials. Allergists need to have the most up to date knowledge of these emerging therapies to be able…
Government Regulations and Allergy: Are You Compliant?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $50 non-membersAllergy practices continue to face increasing regulatory challenges. This program provides the practical information you need to make sure your practice is compliant. We focus on several key compliance areas:CybersecurityNo Surprises Act/Good Faith EstimatesInfo BlockingInformed ConsentOSHAAdditional…
Attracting and Retaining Staff: Hiring Challenges in Today's World
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $25 non-membersAllergy practices are finding it harder than ever to recruit and retain employees in the today’s difficult environment. Allergy practice experts discuss successful strategies to tackle these challenges, including:Discuss new and creative ideas that employers embraced…
Atopic Dermatitis eYardstick
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articleThe Atopic Dermatitis (AD) eYardstick helps allergists and dermatologists support patients who require additional steps in their therapy to relieve the pain, itch and suffering caused byAD. These are patients who have continuing symptoms, despite having tried a variety of therapies. The eYardstick presents current…
Food Allergy: Current Approaches Towards Individualized Management (AAN)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSession recorded on May 2, 2024Speaker: Aikaterini Anagnostou, MD, PhDApproximately 20 million Americans have food allergies according to 2021 data from the CDC. Individualized management of food allergies is important because symptoms of food allergies can vary from person…
AllergyTalk Severe Pediatric Asthma Miniseries Episode 3: Beyond Standard Therapy, the Role of Current and Future Therapies Including Biologics
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will examine the role of current and future therapies including biologics for severe pediatric asthma.Explore additional severe pediatric asthma resourcesSupportThis podcast series is supported by Sanofi Regeneron.Additional informationDisclosure: NA…
AllergyTalk Severe Pediatric Asthma Miniseries Episode 2: Evaluation of the Child, Diagnostic Testing, Assessing Steroid Side Effects
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will review the evaluation of the child, diagnostic testing, and assessing steroid side effects concerning severe pediatric asthma.Explore additional severe pediatric asthma resourcesSupportThis podcast series is supported by Sanofi Regeneron.Target AudienceAllergists and ImmunologistsLearning ObjectivesEvaluate the…
AllergyTalk Severe Pediatric Asthma Miniseries Episode 1: Burden of Disease, Adherence Issues, and Comorbidities
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will review the burden of disease, adherence issues, and comorbidities concerning severe pediatric asthma.Explore additional severe pediatric asthma resourcesSupportThis podcast series is supported by Sanofi Regeneron.Target AudienceAllergists and immunologistsLearning ObjectivesDiscuss the burden of severe pediatric…
AllergyTalk Episode 27 (Non-CME) - How Important Is Family History in Infant Peanut Allergy?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Merin Kuruvilla, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date…
Allergy Office: Clinical Research - Is it Right for You?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members; $20 non-membersLearn whether implementing a clinical research program is a good fit for your practice. This 15-minute module will discuss:The pros and cons of implementing a clinical research program in private practice.What you need to get started…
Making RVUs Work for You
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $25 non-membersRelative Value Units (RVUs) are very important to the success of your practice; they define the value of a service or procedure relative to all services and procedures. Learn more about how they can be used to benefit…
How to Use Technology to Engage Patients
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $25 non-membersStrong patient engagement is key to practice success and positive clinical outcomes, but knowing how to achieve it can be challenging. This webinar outlines digital tools and strategies to drive patient satisfaction, compliance, health outcomes and practice profitability…
MicroCME: Where Does ICS-SABA Fit in Asthma Management?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 25 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. Leonard Bacharier, discusses how to manage type 3 angioedema..AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical…
MicroCME: Who Is At Risk for Fatal Anaphylaxis?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 23 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. Paul Turner, discusses risk factors for fatal anaphylaxis and incidence of fatal outcomes..AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME…
MicroCME: Management of Recurrent Idiopathic Anaphylaxis and Mastocytosis
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 24 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. Matthew Giannetti, discusses the management of recurrent idiopathic anaphylaxis and mastocytosis...AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide…
MicroCME: Excipient/Vaccine Allergy
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 20 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. John Kelso, discusses issues surrounding food-derived substances used as excipients in medications.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME…
MicroCME: Recent Advances in Pediatric SLIT
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 20 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. Michael Blaiss, discusses advantages and disadvantages in the use of SLIT in pediatric populations.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education…
MicroCME: Evolving Treatments for Anaphylaxis
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 19 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. Jay Lieberman, discusses the evolution of treatments for anaphylaxis.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical…