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Peanut Allergy Treatment Shared-Decision-Making Tool

Should your child try peanut allergy treatment? Use this tool to help decide if the treatment is right for your child.

Peanut Allergy Treatment Shared-Decision-Making Tool
2About Peanut Allergy
3Peanut Allergy Treatment
4Your Turn
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    If your 4-17-year-old has a peanut allergy, a new treatment may offer additional protection. Oral peanut immunotherapy slowly exposes an allergic child to peanuts so their immune system is less likely to react after an accidental ingestion of peanut product. That means if your child accidentally eats something containing peanuts, the treatment may protect them from a severe reaction. Even with this treatment, your child MUST continue to avoid peanuts and carry two epinephrine auto-injectors.

    It's important to understand:

    • The new treatment is not a cure – your child will still be allergic to peanuts and must avoid them.
    • It will not enable your child to eat peanuts or peanut products anytime they wish.
    • It works only while your child is taking it on a daily basis.
    • Your child will need to continue to carry two epinephrine auto-injectors and you and your child will still need to read food labels.
    • Reactions can occur due to the treatment itself.

    For many children with peanut allergy and their parents, the benefits may be worth the drawbacks.

    This tool helps you talk with your child's allergist to decide if this treatment might be a good option for your child.

    The tool is easy to use:

    • Read about peanut allergy and the therapy.
    • Respond to a few simple statements based on your child’s temperament and preferences.
    • Bring your answers to your child's next appointment.

Note: The information and materials here are intended solely for the general information of the reader. They are not to be used for treatment purposes, but rather for discussion with the child’s allergist. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose health problems or take the place of professional medical care.