Allergy Facts

Asthma affects more than 24 million people in the U.S.

  • Asthma and allergic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis (hay fever), food allergy, and eczema, are common for all age groups in the United States. Asthma affects more than 24 million people in the U.S., including more than 4.6 million children.1
  • Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. adults and more than 1 in 4 U.S. children reported having a seasonal allergy, eczema or food allergy in 2021, according to data from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. 27.2% of children show allergy symptoms, and 31.8% of adults, which tallies to over 100 million people.2
  • Allergic rhinitis, often called hay fever, is a common condition that causes symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, watery eyes and itching of the nose, eyes or the roof of the mouth.
  • Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal or perennial.
  • Symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis occur in spring, summer and/or early fall. They are usually caused by allergic sensitivity to pollens from trees, grasses or weeds, or to airborne mold spores.
  • People with perennial allergic rhinitis experience symptoms year-round. Perennial allergic rhinitis is generally caused by sensitivity to house dust mites, animal dander, cockroaches and/or mold spores. Underlying or hidden food allergies rarely cause perennial nasal symptoms.
  • Once diagnosed, allergic rhinitis treatment options are: avoidance, eliminating or decreasing your exposure to the irritants or allergens that trigger your symptoms, medication and immunotherapy (allergy shots).
  • Immunotherapy (allergy shots) helps reduce hay fever symptoms in about 85% of people with allergic rhinitis.
  • The worldwide prevalence of food allergy is estimated to be around 4% of children and 1% of adults, with an increased prevalence in the past two decades.3
  • A National Health Interview Survey showed updated numbers from 2021, in which 18.9% of children suffered from hay fever, 5.8% from food allergies, and 10.8% suffered from eczema.4
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