Types of Asthma

Understanding what type of asthma you have can result in better treatment and quality of life.

There are many different types of asthma, brought on by many different triggers.

If you’re struggling with asthma symptoms – trouble breathing, a persistent cough or tightness in the chest – an allergist can help you take control by providing a diagnosis and identifying the underlying causes. 

Can you get asthma as an adult? What causes adult onset asthma? Read more to find out, and see an allergist for treatment.

If you start wheezing or coughing during exercise, or if physical exertion makes it difficult for you to breathe, you may have exercise-induced asthma.

If you experience wheezing, coughing, chest tightness or shortness of breath at work, you may have occupational asthma.

How does chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (or COPD) overlap with asthma? Learn the symptoms and treatment options and see an allergist for help.

Learn about the triggers and treatment for non-allergic asthma and how an allergist can help you manage symptoms.

Learn about the triggers and treatment for allergic asthma and how an allergist can help you manage allergy and asthma symptoms.

Help your child get their asthma under control. Make sure allergic triggers aren’t making their asthma symptoms worse.

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