Living With Allergies

Living with allergies means working to make your environment as free of allergens as possible.

There are steps you can take to reduce the allergen load in your house and other environments.

Do you ever feel like you or someone you know is constantly coughing, sneezing, or rubbing their eyes? More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year, and allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S., with an annual cost in excess of $18 billion. Both children and adults suffer from asthma and allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis (hay fever), food allergy and eczema.

Many allergy sufferers use over-the-counter medications to control symptoms. If those don’t work, an allergist can help you create a plan to ease symptoms and live your best life.

If you or your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy, you’ll often hear the word “avoidance.” That’s because there is no cure for food allergy, and avoidance of most food allergens is the primary way to protect against a food allergy reaction. 

How do you make a birthday cake without wheat? Are pancakes now off-limits because you  can’t use eggs? Will you have to give up frozen desserts because of a milk allergy? Fortunately, the answer to these questions is “no!” 

Longer growing seasons might be a good thing for farmers and gardeners, but it can mean increased misery for allergy sufferers, as it lengthens the time pollen and mold are present as well. A few simple precautions can make your gardening time more fun and help prevent allergy and asthma symptoms.

Travel can be daunting for those with allergies, asthma or food allergies, but advance preparation makes going on vacation easier. 

Home Allergy Management for Everyone (HOME) is an online tool to educate allergy sufferers on managing indoor allergens. Use HOME to learn about the different types of indoor allergens and to receive room-by-room tips on managing allergies.

For people with allergies, scientific studies have shown that air filtration reduces these airborne allergens and may provide some relief. 

The best defense against most allergies is to avoid the allergens that cause your symptoms. That’s not always easy to do, especially if the problem is plant pollens, mold or other substances in the air that are difficult to avoid.

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