Health Care Providers

Time for an Allergist

Sometimes you need to partner with a specialist. Allergists are specially trained to find the source of allergy and asthma symptoms and appropriately treat them. If you want to partner with a specialist to help your allergy and asthma patients, always look for a board-certified and fellowship-trained allergist. Allergies and asthma are their entire focus, and they know the most effective treatments to help control symptoms.

Information for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants

When patients have frequent symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, rashes or hives, an allergist can help provide long-term solutions.

Type 2 Inflammation

Type 2 inflammatory disease occurs when your immune system overreacts, sometimes to something harmless like tree or grass pollen or certain foods. This overreaction leads to ongoing inflammation in your body and is tied to several allergic conditions.

Peanut Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)

Peanut oral immunotherapy (OIT) with peanut allergen powder-dnfp (Palforzia®) is an FDA-approved treatment for children ages 4 to 17 years that can help reduce the risk and severity of allergic reactions to peanuts, including anaphylaxis.

Clinical Trial Resources

Involvement in clinical trials provides the opportunity to further medical research and improve patient outcomes.