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Why should I always carry my epinephrine auto injector?

Why should I always carry my epinephrine auto injector?

Allergist Nancy Joseph, DO: When you have a food allergy, likely your doctor has probably recommended you carry an epinephrine auto injector and then has a kind of different ways that it looks but a lot of people don’t carry it because it makes them feel different or they feel like it may be cumbersome.

So tip number one, you definitely want to employ your friends, family to be allies. Likely you know they love you and you want you to stay safe, so if you employ them in your treatment plan – make sure they know how to use the epinephrine auto injector, and make sure that they also know what your allergy is. That can just in general help.

Another tip is to make sure that you buy, there’s a little fanny pack or just different devices that help keep that auto injector in a good place that looks discreet. Looks like a purse, sometimes a fanny pack, that that way it doesn’t look any different than somebody else carrying a purse for whatever reason. That way, that in general would just help you feel a little bit more comfortable
carrying it, because it is very important that you keep that on you at all times.

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