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Will my child outgrow their food allergy?

Will my child outgrow their food allergy?

English Transcript

Allergist Doug Jones, MD: That’s such a great question. I hear it all the time of whether somebody’s going to outgrow that food allergy or not and some foods like milk. egg. wheat. and soy are commonly outgrown by the age of five. Foods such as peanuts and tree nuts or shellfish are less common to be outgrown.

What’s interesting is the percentages, though, of children that are outgrowing these food allergies by age five is decreasing in time. So what I recommend is following up closely with your allergist. Maybe go in every six to 12 months, get some testing done, talk with them about the history and really see what the best next steps are to determine if your child’s outgrowing it or not.

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