Josh C.

Josh C.

Josh is a typical 12-year-old who likes to play basketball and video games and swim in the summer. If you saw him today, it may come as a surprise that just a few years ago he was always tired and under the weather. “He was just sick a lot, coughing all the time,” remembers Tracy, his mom. “Then we found out he had allergies.”

Medication controlled Josh’s symptoms until one day when he became very sick at camp. That’s when his pediatrician referred him to an allergist.

At first Josh’s parents were concerned about what they had heard about skin testing. “You know, we wondered if it’s something you really want to put your young child through,” Tracy recalls. But talking with their allergist and other patients put their fears to rest. Soon after they received the test results, Josh’s allergist worked with him to develop a personalized treatment plan that includes allergy shots.

Four years later, you can see a world of improvement. “I remember this young man who was tired all the time and had dark circles under his eyes. He couldn’t always stay awake at school,” Josh’s allergist recalls. “It’s changed his life drastically,” beams Tracy. “Now he’s just very vibrant and outgoing. He’s healthier and he can do things that he couldn’t do.”

Tracy has nothing but praise for their allergist: “She has really changed our lives in so many ways. She’s given us a healthy son, a happy son.” “Just don’t leave your allergies alone,” Josh adds. “Get treated and be a normal kid again. That’s basically all there is.”

This patient successfully found relief after seeing an allergist, but the patient’s photograph is not available to respect the patient’s privacy and identity.

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