Survey Reveals 42% of Primary Care Physicians Are Unfamiliar with Biologics to Treat Asthma
Read the full articleOf the 85 PCPs surveyed, 77% referred to specialists after two or more exacerbations per year, and 42% were unfamiliar… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Biologics for the treatment of asthma were first introduced about 20 years ago. Since then, more and more people…
Nuevo estudio: hacer gárgaras con agua salada podría ayudar a prevenir la hospitalización por COVID
Read the full articleUn nuevo estudio determinó que tanto un régimen de solución salina de dosis baja como de dosis alta parecían estar… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). A medida que la COVID y sus efectos sobre la salud se extienden hacia su cuarto año, es…
New Study: Gargling with Salt Water May Help Prevent Covid Hospitalization
Read the full articleWe found that both saline regimens appear to be associated with lower hospitalization rates compared to controls in SARS-CoV-2… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – As Covid and its health effects move into a fourth year, those who become infected may be searching for remedies…
Pasta dental especial podría reducir el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas para adultos con alergia al cacahuete
Read the full articleEn la OMIT se utiliza una pasta dental especialmente formulada para hacer llegar las proteínas alergénicas del cacahuete a zonas… ANAHEIM, Calif. (9 de noviembre de 2023) - Durante años, los alergistas han utilizado la inmunoterapia oral para ayudar a desensibilizar a las personas con…
Special Toothpaste May Lower Risk of Allergic Reactions for Adults with Peanut Allergy
Read the full articleOral Mucosal Immunotherapy (OMIT) uses a specially formulated toothpaste to deliver allergenic peanut proteins to areas of the oral… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy – introducing small amounts of peanut over a period of time to cause less of…
How do I know if what I read online about allergies is true?
Read the full articleBefore you make decisions regarding your own health, please talk to your personal doctor and see if that information applies… English Transcript Allergist David Stukus, MD: I love when patients and families come to me with information they find online. Whether it's social…
Eye Allergy
Read the full articleIf your eyes itch and are red, tearing or burning, you may have eye allergies (allergic conjunctivitis), a condition that… OverviewNothing is more irritating than the feeling that there is something in your eye. But if your eyes are red and irritated, and you don’t…
Diagnosing and treating pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)
Read the full articleEosinophilic esophagitis, otherwise known as EoE, is a disease of the esophagus where you get inflammation that leads to what… English Transcript Patient Marko: When I was first experiencing EoE, the symptoms were a hard time swallowing a lot of food. Some specifically: meat,…
A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Read the full articleIf your child has allergies or asthma, they need to be aware of necessary precautions to keep them safe from… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (October 3, 2023) – Halloween can be a blast for kids of all ages, and it is a holiday anticipated and enjoyed…
Should I use a home testing kit to diagnose a food allergy?
Read the full articleThe challenge with home testing kits is that a lot of them aren't actually testing the proper antibody that we're… English Transcript Allergist Chris Foster, MD: Home testing kits have become really popular recently. We know that foods cause a lot of challenges for…
You Can't Exercise if You Have Asthma – And Other Myths You Should Know
Read the full articleAsthma is a serious condition that affects more than 26 million Americans – more than 8 percent of the… If you have asthma, you may have heard some myths over the years about what it means to have your asthma controlled. But not everything…
Social and Emotional Impacts of Allergic Disease
Read the full articleIf managing the social and emotional impacts of your atopic condition feels stressful and overwhelming, know that you’re not… Life can feel hard in general, so it’s no surprise that allergic diseases such as food allergy, asthma, and atopic dermatitis (commonly called eczema) often…
I'm allergic to pollen: How do I keep pollen out of my house?
Read the full articleKeep the windows of your house closed. Opening the windows of your house for a few hours is not like… English Transcript Allergist J. Allen Meadows, MD: So you're allergic to pollen. What do we want to do to avoid the pollen? Well, the…
Prevent Allergy and Asthma Flares at School: Know Your Child’s Triggers
Read the full articleACAAI provides the following four tips for getting your child with allergies or asthma off to a smart start this… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (August 1, 2023) – It’s been a hot summer, and it’s possible your kids have spent hours in a pool or lake…
Why should I see an allergist for my asthma?
Read the full articleFor many of our patients, allergens are an important trigger for their asthma. Asthma is one of the allergic… English Transcript Allergist Charles Lane, MD: So, many patients may not know that allergists are experts in treating asthma, and the reason for that is…
Autumn is coming: Get ahead of allergy symptoms now
Read the full articleIt's a good idea to see your allergist for an updated, personalized treatment plan that can best help you manage… BPT – ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL. (July 25, 2023) - You probably know what's coming: Along with changing leaves and dropping temps this fall will…
Se acerca el otoño. Adelántese desde ahora a los síntomas de alergia
Read the full articleACAAI le ofrece estos consejos que le ayudarán a prepararse para las alergias de otoño antes de que lleguen.… (BPT) - Probablemente sepa lo que se acerca este otoño: junto con las hojas cambiantes y el descenso de las temperaturas vendrán los resfriados, la…
Gardening with Allergies
Read the full articleWind-borne pollinating plants, including trees, grasses and weeds, are most likely to cause a seasonal allergic reaction.… …
Do You Need An Allergist?
Read the full articleAllergists are specially trained to treat asthma and all types of allergies, including seasonal, food, dust and pet allergies.… …
Allergies and Asthma are Bigger Summer Camp Challenges than Homesickness
Read the full articleFinding the right camp for your child with allergies or asthma can seem daunting, depending on how serious their symptoms… The biggest worry for some kids as they head off to summer camp is whether their IPad will get a connection in the North…
Upcoming local, state or regional medical society meetings
Read the full articleAttend your local, state or regional medical society meetings. Upcoming meetings include...… Attend your local, state or regional medical society meetings. Upcoming meetings include: Tennessee Society of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (TSAAI) Annual Meeting- Friday, Aug. 9 - Sunday, Aug. 1, 2024 Toledo Allergy…
Register for Annual Meeting workshops before they sell out
Read the full articleWhen you register for the 2024 Annual Meeting, Oct. 24-28 in Boston, be sure to include one or more of… The ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting is well known for its outstanding plenary sessions, engaging concurrent sessions, fun-filled social events – and its top tier…
Coding – essential to your practice’s reimbursement
Read the full articleThe College is dedicated to supporting our members on coding issues from high-level government aspects to specific coding issues… Accurate coding is essential for your practice’s reimbursement and quality patient care. The College is dedicated to supporting our members on coding issues from high-level…
Congress holds hearing addressing value-based care
Read the full articleThis hearing touched on many issues associated with successfully administering value-based care but extended into other administrative burdens.… In late June, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on value-based care and ways to improve it. The hearing featured witnesses…
ACAAI 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting - Join us in Boston!
-Read the full articleThe 2024 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting will take place Oct. 24-28, 2024 in Boston, MA. The theme for the 2024… The 2024 ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting will take place Oct. 24-28, 2024 in Boston, MA. The theme for the 2024 meeting is "Advancing Allergy/Immunology Discovery."…
Register for the ACAAI 2024 Annual Meeting
Read the full articleLearn more...… Registration is open for the ACAAI 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Oct. 24-28, in Boston. Register early for access to hotels and ticketed sessions. What’s new this year? An immersive, full-day Thursday program exploring the latest developments in asthma science, diagnosis and…
College Advantage: Spring/Summer 2024
Read the full articleThe College's top-notch coding education, information and resources are essential for your practice's reimbursement and quality patient care.… The College's top-notch coding education, information and resources are essential for your practice's reimbursement and quality patient care. PDF Version | Flipbook…
College Advantage: Winter 2024
Read the full articleUnlock your practice's full potential - Use our new toolkits to open the door to practice management success… Unlock your practice's full potential - Use our new toolkits to open the door to practice management success. PDF Version | Flipbook…
2025 Proposed MIPS changes
Read the full articleThis is the first article in a multi-part series that provides a summary of CMS’s proposed changes to the QPP… On July 10, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule recommending a number…
2024 Gold Headed Cane Award nominees
Read the full articleThe award will be presented during the Saturday morning Opening Session at the College’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Oct. 24 –… The nominees for the 2024 Gold Headed Cane Award, one of the most prestigious College awards offered, are Luz S. Fonacier, MD, FACAAI, John…
The Allergists' Foundation 2022 Community Project Summaries
Read the full article2022 Grantees Sara Anvari, MD, MSc, FACAAI Improving Access to Allergy Specialty Care in Houston Through a Novel Penicillin Allergy Stewardship Program Sara Anvari, MD, MSc, FACAAI is leading a 12-month project to develop a protocol to ensure that low-risk patients in…
2025 Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
Read the full articleThis article summarizes key proposals concerning the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule that would impact allergy practices.… On July 10, 2024, CMS released the 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule (Proposed Rule). This article summarizes key proposals concerning the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule that…
HHS finalizes information blocking enforcement rule impacting practitioners
Read the full articleUnder the final rule, certain allergists who have committed information blocking may be penalized through CMS’s MIPs program.… The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and CMS recently released a final rule establishing penalties for health care practitioners who commit…
Nebulizer use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Read the full articleMany of our patients use a home nebulizer for care of their respiratory conditions. With the shortage of albuterol MDIs spreading throughout the U.S., you may be prescribing more nebulizers for use of albuterol by your patients. It is very important that if…
Luz S. Fonacier, MD, FACAAI, Gold Headed Cane Award nominee
Read the full articleThere is no better way to give the best care to patients than to use leadership and mentorship positions to… It is an honor of a lifetime to be nominated for the ACAAI Gold Headed Cane Award. I am Professor of Medicine, Head of…
Myron Zitt, MD, FACAAI, Gold Headed Cane Award nominee
Read the full articleDr. Zitt is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the SUNY at Stony Brook and a practicing allergist with… I am honored to be nominated for the Gold Headed Cane Award. I am a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the State University…
John J. Oppenheimer, MD, FACAAI, Gold Headed Cane Award nominee
Read the full articleThrough the tutelage of many in the allergy community, I have been able to try to bridge the academic and… It is a great honor to be considered for the Gold Headed Cane Award. Many of my allergy heroes have been past recipients. When…
House Energy & Commerce Committee Republicans propose revamp of NIH
Read the full articleEarlier, Republicans on the House Energy & Commerce Committee released a plan calling for major changes to the National Institutes… Earlier this month, Republicans on the House Energy & Commerce Committee released a plan calling for major changes to the National Institutes of Health…
Recent Advocacy Actions
Read the full articleThe College’s Advocacy Council works diligently to monitor government and regulatory issues affecting allergists, their practices and their patients.… The College’s Advocacy Council works diligently to monitor government and regulatory issues affecting allergists, their practices and their patients. The Advocacy Council Board, led by…
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau releases proposed rule on medical debt
Read the full articleThe proposed rule would alleviate barriers that patients face when attempting to obtain a loan or mortgage when they have… On June 11, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a proposed rule that would prohibit lenders from making lending decisions based on medical…
AllergyTalk Episode 36 - How Safe Are Oral Corticosteroids?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Samantha Knox, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts…
Not Everything That Coughs Is Asthma (AAN)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSession recorded on January 11, 2024Speaker: Nancy Joseph, DO, FACAAIWhen coughing persists longer than eight weeks in adults, it’s considered a chronic cough. Chronic coughing may have different causes. In this webinar, Dr. Nancy Joseph will discuss the…
AllergyTalk Disparities in CRSwNP Miniseries Episode 3: Access to Treatment
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode discusses disparities in access to treatment for nasal polyposis.This podcast is supported by Sanofi Regeneron.Target AudienceAllergists and ImmunologistsAdditional informationDisclosure: Not for CME…
AllergyTalk Disparities in CRSwNP Miniseries Episode 2: Environmental Triggers
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will discuss the impact of air pollution and the environment on CRSwNP and how this disproportionately affects minority and underserved populations.This podcast is supported by Sanofi Regeneron.Target AudienceAllergists and ImmunologistsAdditional informationDisclosure: Not for CME…
Allergy Office: Coding for Immunotherapy
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members; $20 non-membersThis module was reviewed and updated in November, 2023.Learn how to correctly code for various types of immunotherapy. This 15-minute module will cover ICD-10 and CPT coding for:Inhalant allergen immunotherapySublingual immunotherapy (SLIT)Subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT…
AllergyTalk Episode 37: Is There a Role For Allergen Immunotherapy in Seasonal Allergic Asthma?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Samantha Knox, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the post-test questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter…
AllergyTalk Episode 48 - Can Blood Transfusions Trigger Food Allergy?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, FACAAI; Stanley Fineman, MD, FACAAI; and Vivian Hernandez-Trujillo, MD, FACAAIListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations…
AllergyTalk Episode 49 - The Mental Health Impact of Eczema and Food Allergies
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, FACAAI; Stanley Fineman, MD, FACAAI; and Vivian Hernandez-Trujillo, MD, FACAAIListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations…
Allergen Extract Mixing Quiz: ACAAI Members 2025
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articleNote: This quiz is free for College members only. For the non-member version of the quiz, please go to Allergenic Extract Quiz is designed to train and test individuals preparing allergen extract treatment sets based on the 2023…
Allergen Extract Mixing Quiz: Non-members 2025
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: $100 non-members, $25 for staff of current College membersThe Allergenic Extract Quiz is designed to train and test individuals preparing allergen extract treatment sets based on the 2023 USP Chapter <797> standards for allergen extract preparation. Additional informationDisclosure: NA…
AllergyTalk Episode 29 (Non-CME) - A New Asthma Biologic, Biomarkers for AERD, mHealth for Asthma
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Merin Kuruvilla, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date…
AllergyTalk Episode 28 (Non-CME) - Is IBS a Type of Food Allergy?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Merin Kuruvilla, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date…
AllergyTalk Episode 26 (Non-CME) - Does Airborne Peanuts Cause Allergic Reactions?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Merin Kuruvilla, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date…
AllergyTalk Episode 34 (Non-CME) - Are Nasal Polyps an Autoimmune Disease?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersCME is not offered for this episodeSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Shyam Joshi, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order…
AllergyTalk Episode 35 (Non-CME) - In Kids with Allergic Rhinitis, Remember to Address Sleep Problems?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Shyam Joshi, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date…
AllergyTalk Episode 25 (Non-CME) - Is Cefazolin Safe in Penicillin Allergic Patients?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Merin Kuruvilla, MDAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts in order to bring physicians up to date…
AllergyTalk Special Episode: Omalizumab for Food Allergy (OUtMATCH)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full article