- Go to Two Yardsticks Published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology – Third on the Way
Allergy, Allergy Treatment
Two Yardsticks Published in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology – Third on the Way
The eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) yardstick provides interval guidance for the use of dupilumab for EoE based on expert opinion.
- Go to Make Stock Resolutions “New” by Addressing Your Allergies and Asthma
Allergy, Asthma, Child Allergies, Food Allergies, Seasonal Allergies
Make Stock Resolutions “New” by Addressing Your Allergies and Asthma
Taking a few moments to consider how to keep yourself on top of sneezing and wheezing in 2023 is well worth your investment of time.
- Go to Do you have the winter sniffles? 5 ways you can manage indoor winter allergies
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Allergy Treatment, Insect Allergies, Pet Allergies, Seasonal Allergies
Do you have the winter sniffles? 5 ways you can manage indoor winter allergies
The indoors can host many allergy triggers like mold in pipes, pet allergens, and dust mite and cockroach allergens.
- Go to CRISPR Treatment Slows Swelling in Hereditary Angioedema Patients
CRISPR Treatment Slows Swelling in Hereditary Angioedema Patients
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare, genetic disorder characterized by severe, recurring, and unpredictable swelling attacks in various organs and tissues of…
- Go to Only 52% of Adults with Severe Food Allergy Have Been Prescribed an Epinephrine Auto Injector
Allergy, Allergy Treatment, Epinephrine, Food Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Only 52% of Adults with Severe Food Allergy Have Been Prescribed an Epinephrine Auto Injector
It is critical that everyone with a food allergy has access to epinephrine to treat life threatening reactions.
- Go to Lowest Pollen Counts Occur Between 4:00 a.m. and Noon
Allergy, Seasonal Allergies
Lowest Pollen Counts Occur Between 4:00 a.m. and Noon
If you are allergic to pollen, you’ve probably wondered if certain times of day are better than others for going outside during pollen season.
- Go to Study Shows 86.4% of Infants with Anaphylaxis Appropriately Received Epinephrine
Allergy, Child Allergies, Egg Allergies, Epinephrine, Milk Allergies, Peanut Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Study Shows 86.4% of Infants with Anaphylaxis Appropriately Received Epinephrine
It’s important that infants get a quick and accurate diagnosis to make sure their anaphylaxis is treated appropriately.
- Go to Smartphones are Reservoirs of Allergens According to New Research
Smartphones are Reservoirs of Allergens According to New Research
Smartphones are reportedly viewed 14 million times a day, making them potential receptacles for environmental hazards such as allergens.
- Go to El tratamiento CRISPR reduce la inflamación en pacientes con angioedema hereditario
El tratamiento CRISPR reduce la inflamación en pacientes con angioedema hereditario
El angioedema hereditario (HAE, por sus siglas en inglés) es un trastorno genético raro que se caracteriza por ataques de inflamación graves, recurrentes e imp…
- Go to Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina
Allergy, Allergy Treatment, Epinephrine, Food Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina
Las personas con alergias a los alimentos y otras alergias graves que pueden causar anafilaxia deben comprender que la epinefrina es la primera línea de defensa
- Go to Los recuentos de polen más bajos se producen entre las 4:00 a. m. y el mediodía
Allergy, Seasonal Allergies
Los recuentos de polen más bajos se producen entre las 4:00 a. m. y el mediodía
Las personas que tienen alergia al polen pueden beneficiarse, en general, de saber en qué momentos del día los recuentos de polen son más altos.
- Go to 86.4 % de los bebés con anafilaxia recibieron epinefrina de manera adecuada
Allergy, Child Allergies, Egg Allergies, Epinephrine, Milk Allergies, Peanut Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
86.4 % de los bebés con anafilaxia recibieron epinefrina de manera adecuada
Es importante que los bebés, al igual que los niños mayores y los adultos, reciban un diagnóstico rápido y preciso para asegurar que su anafilaxia se trate de …
- Go to Los teléfonos inteligentes son depósitos de alérgenos
Los teléfonos inteligentes son depósitos de alérgenos
Se ven 14 millones de veces al día, lo que los convierte en receptáculos potenciales de peligros ambientales como los alérgenos.
- Go to No special precautions needed for flu shots for people allergic to eggs
Allergy, Child Allergies, Egg Allergies, Flu, Vaccines
No special precautions needed for flu shots for people allergic to eggs
Overwhelming evidence has shown that a flu shot poses no greater risk to those with egg allergy than those without.
- Go to Create Halloween Scares That Are Safe and Fun for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Food Allergies
Create Halloween Scares That Are Safe and Fun for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Do your kids enjoy a good scare on Halloween? It’s not the best idea to combine Halloween scares with allergy and asthma flares.
- Go to Late Summer is the Time to Start Preparing for Fall Ragweed Season
Allergy, Allergy Shots & Tablets (Immunotherapy), Allergy Symptoms
Late Summer is the Time to Start Preparing for Fall Ragweed Season
Considered the most allergenic of all pollens, ragweed pops up throughout the East and Midwest starting in mid-August.