- Go to Experts Urge Those with Asthma to Take Extra Care from Wildfire Risks to Lungs
Experts Urge Those with Asthma to Take Extra Care from Wildfire Risks to Lungs
When wildfire smoke spreads, those with respiratory illnesses such as asthma need to be alert to the effects of smoke on their breathing.
- Go to New Year’s Resolutions? No Thanks! Tips on Controlling Allergies and Asthma? Yes, Please
Allergy, Allergy Treatment, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms
New Year’s Resolutions? No Thanks! Tips on Controlling Allergies and Asthma? Yes, Please
The new year is the perfect time to assess where you are with your symptoms and where you need to be headed.
- Go to Is Your Child With Asthma Ready for Asthma Peak Month in September?
Asthma, Asthma & Breathing Problems, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment
Is Your Child With Asthma Ready for Asthma Peak Month in September?
September is known as Asthma Peak Month because kids have returned to school, and viruses are being passed around.
- Go to Keep Achoos out of Your Red, White and Blue(s) Celebrations
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Epinephrine, Food Allergies, Insect Allergies
Keep Achoos out of Your Red, White and Blue(s) Celebrations
By understanding your triggers, managing meds, and creating a safe environment, you can enjoy the festivities and minimize health risks.
- Go to Make Summer Camp Plans Now for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Allergy Treatment, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment, Child Allergies, Food Allergies, Insect Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine, Skin Allergies, Skin Symptoms (Itching, Hives, Etc)
Make Summer Camp Plans Now for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
It takes a lot of preparation to get a child out the door to camp, so parents are already laying their plans for this summer.
- Go to Allergy and Asthma Do’s and Don’ts for a Great 2024 Valentine’s Day
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Asthma, Asthma & Breathing Problems, Asthma Symptoms
Allergy and Asthma Do’s and Don’ts for a Great 2024 Valentine’s Day
If the person you love has allergies or asthma, you’ll want to keep them safe from symptom flares in order to up the “passion quotient.”
- Go to How do I know if what I read online about allergies is true?
How do I know if what I read online about allergies is true?
Before you make decisions regarding your own health, please talk to your personal doctor and see if that information applies to you.
- Go to A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Child Allergies, Egg Allergies, Food Allergies, Skin Allergies
A Short Chat Goes a Long Way Toward Keeping Halloween Safe for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
If your child has allergies or asthma, they need to be aware of necessary precautions to keep them safe from sudden flares.
- Go to Prevent Allergy and Asthma Flares at School: Know Your Child’s Triggers
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Allergy Treatment, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Food Allergies, Seasonal Allergies
Prevent Allergy and Asthma Flares at School: Know Your Child’s Triggers
ACAAI provides the following four tips for getting your child with allergies or asthma off to a smart start this school year.
- Go to Is it safe to take asthma medications when pregnant?
Is it safe to take asthma medications when pregnant?
Individuals who have asthma who become pregnant should generally remain on their asthma medications because they are thought to be safe.
- Go to For Allergy and Asthma Sufferers, Climate Change Means Worse Symptoms and Harsher Season
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Allergy Testing, Allergy Treatment, Asthma, Asthma & Breathing Problems, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment, Child Allergies, Hay Fever, Seasonal Allergies
For Allergy and Asthma Sufferers, Climate Change Means Worse Symptoms and Harsher Season
Experts from the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) caution that pollen season is starting earlier and lasting longer than in past decade…
- Go to Why should I see an allergist for my eczema?
Why should I see an allergist for my eczema?
Allergists can not only treat eczema with topical therapies, we can also help identify triggers of your eczema and help you know what to avoid
- Go to Is it ok to exercise if I have asthma?
Is it ok to exercise if I have asthma?
You want to warm up your lungs and give them time to get ready to for your strenuous activity.
- Go to Summer Camp Goals for Kids with Allergies and Asthma: Stay Safe and Have Fun
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Allergy Treatment, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment, Child Allergies, Food Allergies, Insect Allergies, Peanut Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Summer Camp Goals for Kids with Allergies and Asthma: Stay Safe and Have Fun
Increasingly, there are camps focused solely on kids with asthma, and camps that deal specifically with food allergies.
- Go to New Study Identifies Sexual Activity as Asthma Trigger
Asthma, Asthma Symptoms
New Study Identifies Sexual Activity as Asthma Trigger
When people with asthma wonder what forms of exercise might cause an asthma flare, they may not take sexual relations into account.
- Go to Un nuevo estudio identifica la actividad sexual como desencadenante del asma
Asthma, Asthma Symptoms
Un nuevo estudio identifica la actividad sexual como desencadenante del asma
¿Pueden los alergistas ayudar a los matrimonios hablando del sexo como posible desencadenante del asma?
- Go to Create Halloween Scares That Are Safe and Fun for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Food Allergies
Create Halloween Scares That Are Safe and Fun for Kids with Allergies and Asthma
Do your kids enjoy a good scare on Halloween? It’s not the best idea to combine Halloween scares with allergy and asthma flares.
- Go to Back to school: How parents can help kids with allergies and asthma
Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment, Child Allergies
Back to school: How parents can help kids with allergies and asthma
Prior to school getting under way is an ideal time to review your child’s needs for coping with allergies and asthma.
- Go to De regreso a clases: Cómo los padres pueden ayudar a los niños alérgicos y asmáticos
Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Asthma Treatment, Child Allergies
De regreso a clases: Cómo los padres pueden ayudar a los niños alérgicos y asmáticos
Prior to school getting under way is an ideal time to review your child’s needs for coping with allergies and asthma.