- Go to Why should I always carry my epinephrine auto injector?
Why should I always carry my epinephrine auto injector?
A lot of people don't want to carry their auto injectors for various reasons. Find out why it's important that you do carry it.
- Go to Keep Achoos out of Your Red, White and Blue(s) Celebrations
Allergy, Allergy Symptoms, Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, Epinephrine, Food Allergies, Insect Allergies
Keep Achoos out of Your Red, White and Blue(s) Celebrations
By understanding your triggers, managing meds, and creating a safe environment, you can enjoy the festivities and minimize health risks.
- Go to What should people with severe allergies know about epinephrine?
What should people with severe allergies know about epinephrine?
The two most important things you need to know about epinephrine are when to administer it and how to do so properly.
- Go to Advocacy Council Efforts Pay Off in Long-awaited FAA Review of Epinephrine Carried by Airliners for Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis, Asthma Treatment, Epinephrine
Advocacy Council Efforts Pay Off in Long-awaited FAA Review of Epinephrine Carried by Airliners for Anaphylaxis
In a big win for allergists and allergy advocacy organizations, the law requires airlines to include epinephrine in a form specifically intended for treating a…
- Go to What are the different inhalers used for – quick relief vs controller?
What are the different inhalers used for – quick relief vs controller?
The way you get your child's asthma under control is to go see your allergist and make sure that their asthma is being properly treated.
- Go to Are all epinephrine auto injectors the same? How do they differ?
Are all epinephrine auto injectors the same? How do they differ?
The most important thing is for you to have a device that you can carry with you, you can afford, and you know how and when to use it.
- Go to Even in States with Strong Stock Albuterol Laws, School Administrators Fear Liability
Asthma, Epinephrine
Even in States with Strong Stock Albuterol Laws, School Administrators Fear Liability
Although asthma is one of the most common respiratory conditions for children, kids don’t always carry their inhalers, or may not even know they have asthma.
- Go to Only 52% of Adults with Severe Food Allergy Have Been Prescribed an Epinephrine Auto Injector
Allergy, Allergy Treatment, Epinephrine, Food Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Only 52% of Adults with Severe Food Allergy Have Been Prescribed an Epinephrine Auto Injector
It is critical that everyone with a food allergy has access to epinephrine to treat life threatening reactions.
- Go to Study Shows 86.4% of Infants with Anaphylaxis Appropriately Received Epinephrine
Allergy, Child Allergies, Egg Allergies, Epinephrine, Milk Allergies, Peanut Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Study Shows 86.4% of Infants with Anaphylaxis Appropriately Received Epinephrine
It’s important that infants get a quick and accurate diagnosis to make sure their anaphylaxis is treated appropriately.
- Go to Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina
Allergy, Allergy Treatment, Epinephrine, Food Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Solo al 52 % de los adultos con alergia grave a los alimentos se le ha prescrito un autoinyector de epinefrina
Las personas con alergias a los alimentos y otras alergias graves que pueden causar anafilaxia deben comprender que la epinefrina es la primera línea de defensa
- Go to 86.4 % de los bebés con anafilaxia recibieron epinefrina de manera adecuada
Allergy, Child Allergies, Egg Allergies, Epinephrine, Milk Allergies, Peanut Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
86.4 % de los bebés con anafilaxia recibieron epinefrina de manera adecuada
Es importante que los bebés, al igual que los niños mayores y los adultos, reciban un diagnóstico rápido y preciso para asegurar que su anafilaxia se trate de …
- Go to Incluso en los estados con leyes estrictas sobre el albuterol de reserva, los administradores escolares temen la responsabilidad
Asthma, Epinephrine
Incluso en los estados con leyes estrictas sobre el albuterol de reserva, los administradores escolares temen la responsabilidad
Aunque el asma es una de las afecciones respiratorias más comunes en los niños, estos no siempre llevan consigo sus inhaladores o ni siquiera saben que tienen …
- Go to This Summer, Camps Need to Protect Kids From COVID-19, and Allergy and Asthma Triggers
Allergy, Asthma & Breathing Problems, Child Allergies, COVID-19, Epinephrine, Food Allergies
This Summer, Camps Need to Protect Kids From COVID-19, and Allergy and Asthma Triggers
Make sure the camp you choose has precautions in place to keep your allergic camper safe
- Go to Actualizaciones del ACAAI en las orientaciones sobre el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas a las vacunas contra la COVID-19
Allergy, COVID-19, Drug Allergies, Epinephrine, Vaccines
Actualizaciones del ACAAI en las orientaciones sobre el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas a las vacunas contra la COVID-19
Las orientaciones ahora incluyen información sobre la vacuna vectorial adenovírica de Johnson & Johnson
- Go to ACAAI Updates to Guidance on Risk of Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines
Allergy, COVID-19, Drug Allergies, Epinephrine
ACAAI Updates to Guidance on Risk of Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines
Guidance now includes information on the adenovirus vector Johnson & Johnson vaccine
- Go to Despite reports of shortages, epinephrine autoinjectors are available
Epinephrine, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Despite reports of shortages, epinephrine autoinjectors are available
Allergists can teach patients how to use alternatives
- Go to Texas school district risks children’s lives by using Benadryl instead of stock epinephrine
Child Allergies, Epinephrine, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Texas school district risks children’s lives by using Benadryl instead of stock epinephrine
Epinephrine is always the first line of defense to treat severe allergic reactions.