- Go to My child gets sick a lot, should they see an immunologist?
My child gets sick a lot, should they see an immunologist?
When to really consider an immune evaluation, seeing an immunologist, would be for severe infections, especially recurrent severe infections.
- Go to New Study: Gargling with Salt Water May Help Prevent Covid Hospitalization
New Study: Gargling with Salt Water May Help Prevent Covid Hospitalization
We found that both saline regimens appear to be associated with lower hospitalization rates compared to controls in SARS-CoV-2 infections.
- Go to Nuevo estudio: hacer gárgaras con agua salada podría ayudar a prevenir la hospitalización por COVID
Nuevo estudio: hacer gárgaras con agua salada podría ayudar a prevenir la hospitalización por COVID
Un nuevo estudio determinó que tanto un régimen de solución salina de dosis baja como de dosis alta parecían estar asociadas a menores tasas de hospitalización…
- Go to COVID-19, Asthma and Allergies
COVID-19, Asthma and Allergies
As COVID-19 continues to impact people across the United States and the world, allergists hear concerns from their patients – those with allergies and especial…
- Go to Study Shows COVID-19 Increased Anxiety and Symptoms for Asthma Sufferers
Allergy, Asthma, COVID-19, Food Allergies
Study Shows COVID-19 Increased Anxiety and Symptoms for Asthma Sufferers
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (May 5, 2022) – In the past two years, COVID-19 has provoked anxiety throughout the world for people worried they and their loved ones …
- Go to Those With Asthma Not at Greater Risk for Severe Disease from COVID-19
Allergy, Asthma, Asthma Treatment, COVID-19
Those With Asthma Not at Greater Risk for Severe Disease from COVID-19
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (April 19, 2022) – From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health experts were concerned that people with asthma would not only be…
- Go to Keep COVID-19 Precautions, Along with Romance, on Your Radar on Valentine’s Day
Allergy, Asthma, COVID-19, Environmental Trigger Avoidance, Food Allergies, Home Environment Control, Pet Allergies
Keep COVID-19 Precautions, Along with Romance, on Your Radar on Valentine’s Day
Show your love by helping your sweetie prevent allergy and asthma flaresARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (January 18, 2022) – It all feels eerily familiar. A Valentine’…
- Go to Preguntas Frecuentes De Los Pacientes Sobre La Vacuna Contra El COVID-19
Allergy, Allergy Shots & Tablets (Immunotherapy), Asthma Treatment, COVID-19, Food Allergies, Severe Reactions, Anaphylaxis & Epinephrine
Preguntas Frecuentes De Los Pacientes Sobre La Vacuna Contra El COVID-19
Los alergistas de la ACAAI responden preguntas sobre las reacciones alérgicas y más
- Go to Keeping Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Under Control in the New Year
Allergy, Asthma, COVID-19, Food Allergies, Vaccines
Keeping Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Under Control in the New Year
Don’t say “resolutions” – just assign yourself a few tasks ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (December 17, 2021) – New Year’s resolutions can feel overwhelming, and guil…
- Go to A pesar del cambio climático, los niños con asma en Los Ángeles no tuvieron un aumento en los diagnósticos de alergia
Asthma, Asthma Symptoms, COVID-19
A pesar del cambio climático, los niños con asma en Los Ángeles no tuvieron un aumento en los diagnósticos de alergia
Un estudio mostró que en 15 años no hubo un aumento de la sensibilización alérgica en más de 5000 niños con asmaNUEVA ORLEANS (5 de noviembre de 2021) - Estudi…
- Go to New Study Shows Latinos with COVID-19 Had Higher Probability of Developing Asthma Exacerbations
Asthma Symptoms, COVID-19
New Study Shows Latinos with COVID-19 Had Higher Probability of Developing Asthma Exacerbations
Results also showed greater chance of Latinos suffering for longer periods after COVID-19 infectionNEW ORLEANS (November 5, 2021) – Studies have shown minority…
- Go to Nuevo estudio muestra que los latinos con COVID-19 tenían una mayor probabilidad de presentar exacerbaciones del asma
Asthma Symptoms, COVID-19
Nuevo estudio muestra que los latinos con COVID-19 tenían una mayor probabilidad de presentar exacerbaciones del asma
Los resultados también mostraron que los latinos tienen una mayor probabilidad de tener padecimientos durante períodos más largos después de la infección de la…
- Go to Another COVID-19 Halloween: Keeping Kids Safe from Viruses, Allergies and Asthma
Allergy, Asthma Treatment, COVID-19
Another COVID-19 Halloween: Keeping Kids Safe from Viruses, Allergies and Asthma
Even vaccinated kids will have to follow safety precautions this HalloweenARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (October 5, 2021) – You’re not alone this year if you just wa…
- Go to This Summer, Camps Need to Protect Kids From COVID-19, and Allergy and Asthma Triggers
Allergy, Asthma & Breathing Problems, Child Allergies, COVID-19, Epinephrine, Food Allergies
This Summer, Camps Need to Protect Kids From COVID-19, and Allergy and Asthma Triggers
Make sure the camp you choose has precautions in place to keep your allergic camper safe
- Go to Actualizaciones del ACAAI en las orientaciones sobre el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas a las vacunas contra la COVID-19
Allergy, COVID-19, Drug Allergies, Epinephrine, Vaccines
Actualizaciones del ACAAI en las orientaciones sobre el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas a las vacunas contra la COVID-19
Las orientaciones ahora incluyen información sobre la vacuna vectorial adenovírica de Johnson & Johnson
- Go to ACAAI Statement on the rise in Asian hate crimes in the United States
Allergy Treatment, COVID-19, Other
ACAAI Statement on the rise in Asian hate crimes in the United States
Statement from ACAAI president Luz Fonacier, MD on rise in Asian hate crimes in the United States
- Go to ACAAI Updates to Guidance on Risk of Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines
Allergy, COVID-19, Drug Allergies, Epinephrine
ACAAI Updates to Guidance on Risk of Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines
Guidance now includes information on the adenovirus vector Johnson & Johnson vaccine
- Go to COVID-19 Precautions Don’t Mean an Absence of Romance this Valentine’s Day
Allergy, Asthma & Breathing Problems, COVID-19, Environmental Trigger Avoidance, Food Allergies, Seasonal Allergies
COVID-19 Precautions Don’t Mean an Absence of Romance this Valentine’s Day
Create romance by preventing COVID-19 and keeping allergies and asthma under control