Asthma in Children
Read the full articleIf your child is diagnosed with asthma, an allergist can help them live an active, full life.… Overview Asthma is a common disease, affecting 6 million children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If asthma isn’t well-controlled, children…
Patient Resources
Read the full articleAllergy and asthma resources of support.… Videos Get your allergy and asthma questions answered in these informative videos featuring ACAAI allergists. Watch Our Videos Articles and Tips Find out the best ways to manage your allergy and asthma symptoms with our educational and easy-to-read…
ACAAI Roundtable on Atopic Dermatitis and Food Allergy
Read the full articleProceedings and Recommendations Both atopic dermatitis and food allergy represent allergic conditions that are more prevalent and severe among people… Proceedings and Recommendations Both atopic dermatitis and food allergy represent allergic conditions that are more prevalent and severe among people of color than previously recognized,…
Why should I see an allergist for my eczema?
Read the full articleAllergists can not only treat eczema with topical therapies, we can also help identify triggers of your eczema and help… English Transcript Allergist Kelly Maples, MD: Allergists are the perfect type of doctor to treat eczema or atopic dermatitis. Eczema is not just a…
Survey of Allergists/Immunologists Reveals Management of Hereditary Angioedema Differs by Region
Read the full articleHereditary Angioedema (HAE) is caused by a genetic mutation, and there are different types. It is a hereditary disease.… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (April 5, 2023) – Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a disease that, due to its rare nature, can pose difficulties for both patients and…
Survey of Allergists/Immunologists Reveals Management of Hereditary Angioedema Differs by Region
Read the full articleHereditary Angioedema (HAE) is caused by a genetic mutation, and there are different types. It is a hereditary disease.… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (April 5, 2023) – Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a disease that, due to its rare nature, can pose difficulties for both patients and…
For Allergy and Asthma Sufferers, Climate Change Means Worse Symptoms and Harsher Season
Read the full articleExperts from the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) caution that pollen season is starting earlier and lasting… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (April 11, 2023) – If you suffer from asthma or nasal allergies, you’ve probably noticed pollen season getting worse, and negatively affecting…
COVID-19, Asthma and Allergies
Read the full articleFind out what you need to know as an allergy or asthma patient.… Overview Updated June 22, 2022 As COVID-19 continues to impact people across the United States and the world, allergists hear concerns from their patients – those with allergies and especially those suffering…
Controlling Your Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Read the full articleWhat's the best treatment for your eczema? Use this online tool to explore your options, and take your results to… Note: The information and materials here are intended solely for the general information of the reader. They are not to be used for treatment purposes,…
Help Your Child or Teenager Control Their Severe Asthma
Read the full articleWhat's the best treatment for your child's severe asthma? Use this online tool to explore your options, and take your… Note: The information and materials here are intended solely for the general information of the reader. They are not to be used for treatment purposes,…
Four Years After Release of Guidelines, Parents Still Not Informed About Early Peanut Introduction
Read the full articleStudy shows only 40% of parents were advised to introduce peanut to their infant during first year of life NEW ORLEANS (November 5, 2021) – In 2017, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) released guidelines to help parents introduce peanut products…
El aumento de la frecuencia de comer huevos en el primer año de vida se asocia con menos probabilidades de tener alergia al huevo más adelante
Read the full articleUn estudio muestra que los niños que no tuvieron una incorporación de huevo en el primer año tenían más probabilidades de sufrir alergia al huevo a los 6 años NUEVA ORLEANS (5 de noviembre de 2021). Desde 2017, los alergólogos y los pediatras recomiendan…
Increased Frequency of Eating Eggs in Infancy Associated with Decreased Egg Allergy Later On
Read the full articleStudy shows children not introduced to egg at one year were more likely to have egg allergy at 6 years NEW ORLEANS (November 5, 2021) – Allergists and pediatricians have recommended since 2017 that parents start to introduce peanut product around the time their…
Despite Climate Change, Kids with Asthma in Los Angeles Didn’t Have an Increase in Allergy Diagnoses
Read the full articleStudy showed no increase in allergic sensitization over 15 years, in more than 5,000 kids with asthma NEW ORLEANS (November 5, 2021) – Studies have shown that climate change has been partly responsible for longer growing seasons and larger pollen loads, leading to speculation…
Las mujeres embarazadas con etiqueta de alergia a la penicilina deberían evaluar su alergia para reducir la exposición a antibióticos
Read the full articleUn estudio muestra que la prueba de alergia a la penicilina durante el embarazo puede ayudar a evitar enfermedades producidas por infecciones en bebés NUEVA ORLEANS (5 de noviembre de 2021). Es bien sabido que 9 de cada 10 estadounidenses que creen ser alérgicos…
Pregnant Women with Penicillin Allergy Label Should be Tested to Reduce Antibiotic Exposure
Read the full articleStudy shows penicillin allergy testing during pregnancy may help avoid infant illness from infection NEW ORLEANS (November 5, 2021) – It’s well known that 9 of 10 Americans who believe they are allergic to penicillin are not allergic. It’s also known that broad…
Mark Corbett es designado como presidente del ACAAI
Read the full articleKathleen May fue elegida presidenta electa NUEVA ORLEANS (8 de noviembre de 2021). El alergista Mark Corbett, MD, de Louisville, KY, fue designado como presidente del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología (ACAAI) en la Reunión científica anual del ACAAI el 8 de…
Mark Corbett Installed as ACAAI President
Read the full articleKathleen May elected president-elect NEW ORLEANS (November 8, 2021) – Allergist Mark Corbett, MD, of Louisville, KY, was installed as president of American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) at ACAAI Annual Scientific Meeting on November 8 in New Orleans. Allergist Kathleen May…
Expert tips for managing asthma and allergies during the holidays
Read the full articleARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (November 11, 2021) (BPT) – What’s in those delicious holiday cookies? How come it’s hard to breathe… ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (November 11, 2021) (BPT) - What's in those delicious holiday cookies? How come it's hard to breathe while decking the halls? Is…
Read the full articleCollege Insider Your weekly source for breaking College and specialty news. Read College Insider Advocacy Insider Your home for the… College Insider Your weekly source for breaking College and specialty news. Read College Insider Advocacy Insider Your home for the latest advocacy news. Read Advocacy…
HHS: Providers can delegate privacy breach reporting to Change Healthcare
Read the full articleCovered entities can delegate patient notifications required as a result of the Feb. 21 Change Healthcare breach to Change Healthcare… On the evening of May 31, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) clarified that covered entities can…
Attend the World Allergy Congress 2024: Sept. 27-29, Lisbon, Portugal
Read the full articleThe WAC 2024 will provide participants with invaluable resources through sessions on the latest scientific developments and in-depth reviews.… …
FITs – Apply for Annual Meeting scholarships and awards
Read the full articleThe College offers scholarships for Annual Meeting attendance and awards for research abstracts. Apply now!… The College offers scholarships for Annual Meeting attendance and awards for research abstracts. Apply now! Fellows-in-Training – apply for a scholarship to attend the 2024 ACAAI Annual Meeting in…
CMS adds cyberattack hardship option to MIPS Emergency Application
Read the full articlePractices have until Dec. 31 to file a hardship application and avoid a 2026 MIPS negative payment adjustment.… Good news for allergists! If you were severely impacted by the Change Healthcare cyberattack, you now have the option to cite the Change Healthcare cyberattack when…
Los Angels Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology 2024 Fall Symposium
Read the full articleThe Los Angeles Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (LASAACI) is a CME educational meeting jointly provided by the… The Los Angeles Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (LASAACI) is a CME educational meeting jointly provided by the American College of Allergy, Asthma…
Atopic dermatitis and asthma highlight the May-June issue of AllergyWatch
Read the full articleIn this issue, you’ll find a summary of the latest topical and systemic treatment guidelines for atopic dermatitis from the… The latest issue of AllergyWatch reviews articles in a concise and efficient manner to get you the information you need. In this issue, you’ll…
2024 Strike Force Photo Gallery
Read the full articleMembers of the College’s Strike Force are advocating for our specialty today – during World Asthma Day – on Capitol… Contact us at or 847-427-1200. 2024 Strike Force May 7, 2024 - Members of the College’s Strike Force are advocating for our…
The Federal Trade Commission’s ban on non-competes
Read the full articleThe final rule is effective September 4, 2024. However, several lawsuits have been filed to halt the implementation of this… On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued a controversial final rule that will ban employers nationwide from incorporating non-compete clauses in…
2024 FDA listening session on compounding
Read the full articleTwo College leaders attended the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) annual Compounding Listening Session on Friday, May 17.… Two College leaders -- Todd Mahr, MD, FACAAI, Executive Medical Director, and J. Allen Meadows, MD, FACAAI, Executive Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs --…
Get informed about informed consent
Read the full articleAn informed consent discussion can clarify treatment options and risks for the patient and prevent misunderstandings.… Pop quiz: What is informed consent, when is it required for allergy practices, and how exactly should it be done? Some physicians and practices have adopted a casual…
May’s issue of Annals focuses on allergies in young adults and also asthma
Read the full articleOne insightful article includes a perspective that discusses which patients might benefit from omalizumab treatment for food allergy.… As spring rolls into summer and the school year will be ending soon, the current issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology focuses on two…
Read the full articleThe ACAAI Fellow-in-Training (FIT) Section is composed of FIT members who are enrolled in ACGME-accredited allergy and immunology fellowship programs. … The ACAAI Fellow-in-Training (FIT) Section is composed of FIT members who are enrolled in ACGME-accredited allergy and immunology fellowship programs. Apply Now Who We AreThe…
Congratulate Award winners
Read the full articleAward recipients will be honored for their contributions to the College and the specialty during the ACAAI 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting. The Gold Headed Cane will be presented at the Opening Ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 6, and the other award recipients will be recognized…
The Gold Headed Cane – An award of excellence and tradition
Read the full articleThree nominees have been selected for the 2019 Gold Headed Cane award, one of the most prestigious awards the College… Three nominees have been selected for the 2019 Gold Headed Cane award, one of the most prestigious awards the College offers. The Nominees this year…
The Gold Headed Cane – an award of excellence and tradition
Read the full articleTwo nominees have been selected for consideration for the 2020 Gold Headed Cane award, one of the most prestigious awards… Two nominees have been selected for consideration for the 2020 Gold Headed Cane award, one of the most prestigious awards the College offers. The nominees…
AllergyWatch covers important ABAI CAP articles
Read the full articleDid you complete the most recent ABAI CAP cycle? Were you able to read all of the key articles in… Did you complete the most recent ABAI Continuous Assessment Program (CAP) cycle? Were you able to read all of the key articles in the…
Read in-depth research on AERD
Read the full articleWhere has the month gone? Hopefully by now things have bottomed out temperature-wise (and snow-wise) for those of you who have to go through that sort of thing. We do not get much snow down south in Mississippi, but our pollen season…
Last chance to join our advocacy network
Read the full articleThe success of the College’s House of Delegates will depend on the strength of its state delegates and regional super-delegates. Our 2020 campaign resulted in a great start to our quest for one delegate per state. The College is ready to march…
Exploring gaps in A/I care based on race, ethnicity and socioeconomic factors
Read the full articleThe College’s Racial Disparities and Health Equity Resource Center explores gaps in A/I care based on race, ethnicity and socioeconomic factors. When I began my tenure as College president a few months ago, my goal was to lead the College in innovating…
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