Gailen Marshall Installed as ACAAI President
Read the full articleAllergist Gailen Marshall, MD, PhD, of Jackson, MS, was installed as president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and… ANAHEIM, Calif. (November 12, 2023) – Allergist Gailen Marshall, MD, PhD, of Jackson, MS, was installed as president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma…
Los proyectos de subvenciones comunitarias le dan la capacidad a los alergistas de abordar las barreras a la atención de la alergia y el asma
Read the full articleA partir de 2021, la Fundación de Alergistas, comenzó a financiar proyectos de subvenciones comunitarias que abordan los desafíos a… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). A partir de 2021, la Fundación de Alergistas, la rama filantrópica del Colegio Americano de Alergia, Asma e…
Community Grant Projects Empower Allergists to Address Barriers to Allergy and Asthma Care
Read the full articleThese projects have the potential to make an important difference to improve the care for allergy and asthma in every… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Beginning in 2021, The Allergists’ Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, began…
Las barreras lingüísticas pueden ser la causa por la que a algunos niños se les infradiagnostiquen afecciones alérgicas
Read the full articleLa abundancia de idiomas hablados en Estados Unidos puede suponer un obstáculo para que algunos pacientes con alergia y asma… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). Alrededor del 20 % de la población estadounidense habla un idioma distinto del inglés cuando está en casa.…
Language Barriers May Cause Some Children to be Underdiagnosed for Allergic Conditions
Read the full articleThe abundance of languages spoken in the United States can pose barriers for some allergy and asthma patients to receive… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – About 20% of the US population speaks a language other than English when they are at home. The abundance…
Eliminar el moho después de desastres naturales es vital para las personas alérgicas al moho
Read the full articleHuracanes, inundaciones y precipitaciones extremas pueden provocar un aumento en el crecimiento de moho en casas y residencias.… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). Los fenómenos meteorológicos severos, como huracanes, inundaciones y precipitaciones extremas, han aumentado en los últimos años y se prevé que…
Eliminating Mold After Natural Disasters is Vital for Those with Mold Allergy
Read the full articleHurricanes, floods and extreme precipitation can prompt a surge in growth of mold throughout houses and residences.… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Severe weather events such as hurricanes, floods and extreme precipitation have increased in recent years and are projected to become more frequent.…
Un nuevo estudio examina los factores potenciales relacionados con el desarrollo de la alergia alimentaria que aparece en la edad adulta
Read the full articleSe estima que 33 millones de estadounidenses tienen alergias alimentarias, incluidos 5.6 millones de niños menores de 18 años… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). Se estima que 33 millones de estadounidenses tienen alergias alimentarias, incluidos 5.6 millones de niños menores de 18 años.…
New Study Examines Potential Factors Related to the Development of Adult-Onset Food Allergy
Read the full articleThe cause of food allergies is unknown, although researchers and food allergy experts have ruled out some common theories of… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – It’s estimated that 33 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.6 million children under age 18. The cause of…
La alergia a la linaza está apareciendo con mayor frecuencia en alimentos y otras sustancias
Read the full articleUn nuevo estudio muestra que la linaza puede causar una reacción alérgica, tanto después de ingerirla como después de que… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023) – La linaza es un ingrediente cada vez más popular en productos horneados y otros productos alimenticios debido…
Un estudio muestra que los niños con seguro privado tienen más probabilidades de superar las alergias alimentarias
Read the full articleUn nuevo estudio muestra que los niños que tienen un seguro privado tienen más probabilidades de superar alergias alimentarias que… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023) – Algunos niños superan una alergia alimentaria con el tiempo, pero no se comprende bien cómo sucede esto.…
Study Shows Children with Private Insurance More Likely to Outgrow Food Allergies
Read the full articleA new study shows that children with private insurance are more likely to outgrow food allergies than children who use… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Some children will outgrow a food allergy, but how this happens is not well understood. A new study being…
Encuesta: el 72 % de los pacientes con eccema sufrieron síntomas de una mala salud mental durante 1 a 10 días en el último mes
Read the full articleEntre las personas que tenían AD, el 72 % informó haber tenido síntomas de una mala salud mental durante 1… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023) - Las personas que tienen dermatitis atópica (AD), comúnmente conocida como eccema, tienen una mayor probabilidad de tener…
Survey: 72% of Eczema Patients Suffered Poor Mental Health Symptoms for 1-10 Days in Past Month
Read the full articleAmong people who suffered with AD, 72% reported poor mental health symptoms for 1-10 days within the past month… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – People who suffer with atopic dermatitis (AD), commonly known as eczema, have an increased likelihood of developing depression and anxiety,…
¿Qué tan preciso fue ChatGPT para los mitos comunes sobre las alergias? Bastante preciso
Read the full articleEn un nuevo estudio, ChatGPT que valorara diez mitos comunes sobre las alergias, y juzgó su exactitud correctamente el 91… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). Los modelos de lenguaje de inteligencia artificial como ChatGPT se utilizan cada vez más en muchas profesiones diferentes,…
How Accurate was ChatGPT for Common Allergy Myths? Pretty Accurate
Read the full articleIn a new study, ChatGPT was asked to rate 10 common allergy myths, and it judged their accuracy correctly 91%… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Artificial intelligence language models such as ChatGPT are increasingly being used in many different professions, and medicine is not…
Una encuesta revela que el 42 % de los médicos de atención primaria no están familiarizados con los productos biológicos para tratar el asma
Read the full articleDe los 85 PCP encuestados, el 77 % remitió a especialistas después de dos o más exacerbaciones por año, y… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). Los productos biológicos para el tratamiento del asma se introdujeron por primera vez hace unos 20 años. Desde…
Survey Reveals 42% of Primary Care Physicians Are Unfamiliar with Biologics to Treat Asthma
Read the full articleOf the 85 PCPs surveyed, 77% referred to specialists after two or more exacerbations per year, and 42% were unfamiliar… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – Biologics for the treatment of asthma were first introduced about 20 years ago. Since then, more and more people…
Nuevo estudio: hacer gárgaras con agua salada podría ayudar a prevenir la hospitalización por COVID
Read the full articleUn nuevo estudio determinó que tanto un régimen de solución salina de dosis baja como de dosis alta parecían estar… ANAHEIM, California. (9 de noviembre de 2023). A medida que la COVID y sus efectos sobre la salud se extienden hacia su cuarto año, es…
New Study: Gargling with Salt Water May Help Prevent Covid Hospitalization
Read the full articleWe found that both saline regimens appear to be associated with lower hospitalization rates compared to controls in SARS-CoV-2… ANAHEIM, Calif. (Nov. 9, 2023) – As Covid and its health effects move into a fourth year, those who become infected may be searching for remedies…
The College is keeping busy this spring and summer
Read the full articleThe new Community Allergist Partnership in Education (CAPE) Program, to be launched at our Annual Meeting in Anaheim, will help… This season of “not quite winter, not quite spring” in much of the country brings with it the arrival of seasonal pollen. But this…
Get 2025 coding books at discounted prices
Read the full articleWe’ve partnered with OPTUM360 for special discounted pricing on some of the most popular 2025 coding books.… The Advocacy Council understands that all of your practice costs are increasing. As in the past, we’ve partnered with OPTUM360 for special discounted pricing on some of…
October is Eczema Awareness Month
Read the full articleOctober is Eczema Awareness Month! Use the College’s materials for allergists, including information you can share with patients.… October is Eczema Awareness Month! It’s a great time to promote your expertise in treating this condition. Use the College’s materials for allergists, including information you…
New College campaign raises awareness of type 2 inflammation
Read the full articleThis project raises awareness among PCPs about type 2 inflammation and the allergic conditions related to this type of immune… The College has launched a project to raise awareness among primary care practitioners about type 2 inflammation and the allergic conditions related to this…
An opportunity to improve your 2023 MIPS score!
Read the full articleCMS is providing another opportunity to submit a 2023 MIPS EUC hardship exception due to the Change Healthcare Cyberattack earlier… CMS is providing another opportunity to submit a 2023 MIPS Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances (EUC) hardship exception due to the Change Healthcare Cyberattack earlier…
2024 update - Safe Steroid Use Self-Assessment
Read the full articleThis program focuses on best practices for steroid use and is approved by ABAI for both MOC Patient Safety and… The College’s Safe Steroid Use Self-Assessment has been updated! This popular program focuses on current best practices for steroid use and is approved by…
Research Funding Opportunity - a new initiative to support collaborative practice-based translational research
Read the full articleWe’re launching a new initiative to support collaborative practice-based translational research. Learn more and apply by Dec. 1!… We’re launching a new initiative to support collaborative practice-based translational research. Learn more and apply by Dec. 1!…
Read the full articleWith AllergyWatch, the College has done the work for you: We’ve collected relevant specialty news from around the world in a… With AllergyWatch, the College has done the work for you: We’ve collected relevant specialty news from around the world in a single bimonthly publication. AllergyWatch gives you…
The Allergists’ Foundation
Read the full articleAbout The Allergists’ Foundation Mission Vision Leadership Mission To support the specialty of allergy and immunology through education and training. Vision To create better allergists and immunologists through education and training. Leadership The Foundation is lead by the Board of Trustees, which is dedicated…
2024 - FTC and Congress take action against PBMs for price gouging
Read the full articleThe FTC issued an interim staff report on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) as it prepares a lawsuit against the three… The Federal Trade Commission issued an interim staff report on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) as it prepares a lawsuit against the three largest PBMs.…
Improve patient quality of care and get paid for it
Read the full articleCMS encourages physicians to incorporate SDOH risk assessment into your practices – and now they are paying you to do… How often do you get a chance to improve the quality of care for your patients and get paid for it? Screening for Social…
About Us
Read the full articleOur Mission Our Vision Our History Our Mission The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology promotes excellence in the… Our Mission Our Vision Our History Our Mission The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology promotes excellence in the practice of the subspecialty of…
Senate committee proposes plan to reduce physician workforce shortages
Read the full articleA bipartisan group of members of the Senate Finance Committee released a proposal to increase Medicare Graduate Medical Education… A bipartisan group of members of the Senate Finance Committee released a proposal to increase Medicare Graduate Medical Education (GME) slots. In addition to increasing…
Early success on the Time for an Allergist campaign
Read the full articleMeanwhile, I want to give you a brief update on the “Time for an Allergist” campaign that we recently… Fall has officially set in around the country, and as we all remember from our school years, it’s a great time for fresh activities and…
The College will continue to innovate, diversify and expand
Read the full articleThe College’s virtual 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting wrapped up yesterday, and I am thrilled that it was a such big success. I know we all missed seeing each other in person, but the virtual meeting’s education, networking and special events were an…
What challenges face independent medical practices?
Read the full articleThe hearing featured discussions about the many burdens that make it more difficult for independent practices to remain open and… The House Ways and Means Committee’s Health Subcommittee held a hearing titled “The Collapse of Private Practice: Examining the Challenges Facing Independent Medicine.” It…
Spark Program Winners
Read the full article2024 Winners Justin D. Baker, 3rd Year Student, Morehouse School of Medicine Sushmitha Boppana, MD, Cleveland Clinic Akron General Sydney… 2024 Winners Justin D. Baker, 3rd Year Student, Morehouse School of MedicineSushmitha Boppana, MD, Cleveland Clinic Akron GeneralSydney Butler, MD,Children's National Hospital Pediatric Residency ProgramAmber…
2024 Texting Guidance Update
Read the full articleAllergists, particularly those practicing in a hospital setting, should familiarize themselves with this updated guidance.… Health care providers in hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) can now text patient orders to other members of a patient’s care team or into a patient’s electronic health…
Three generations of allergists
Read the full articleAs the College celebrates its 75th anniversary, we want to celebrate the people who helped shape the organization. In examining… As the College celebrates its 75th anniversary, we want to celebrate the people who helped shape the organization. In examining some of those who were…
MicroCME: How to Approach the Complex FPIES Patient
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to members; $20 non-membersLength: 22 minutesThis microlearning, presented by Dr. Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, discusses how to identify and manage complex FPIES.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide…
Insect Sting and Venom Allergy: Diagnosis, Treatment and Preparedness (AAN)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSession recorded on March 21, 2024Speaker: David Golden, MDFor most people, insect stings are a short-term annoyance. But for some the venom in a stinging insect can cause an allergic reaction that can range from a mild local…
Top Tips For Employed Allergists
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $50 non-membersThis webinar focuses on areas of interest to employed allergists – and to those interested in becoming employed allergists. Topics include:The advantages and disadvantages of being an employed physician.Keys to success for employed allergists:Employment contract and…
2024 Coding Update for Allergists
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE to College members, $50 non-membersThis webinar examines the new ICD-10 and CPT codes for 2024. We discuss new revenue opportunities for allergists as well as the challenges of billing an E&M code with skin testing.Topics include:New E/M…
AllergyTalk Episode 39 - Should We Pay Teenagers to Carry Epinephrine?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Melinda Rathkopf, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts…
AllergyTalk Episode 41 - A Promising New Treatment for SCID!
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Timothy Chow, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts…
AllergyTalk Episode 38 - Should Immunotherapy Be Offered For Atopic Dermatitis?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Melinda Rathkopf, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts…
AllergyTalk Episode 40 - Intranasal Epinephrine For Anaphylaxis
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Timothy Chow, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts…
Atopic Dermatitis in Skin of Color: Improving Care for Our Patients (AAN)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSession recorded on February 20, 2024Speaker: Kelly M. Maples, MDAtopic dermatitis is more common and sometimes more severe in Black/African American people and Hispanic/Latino people, especially children. Because of its unique appearance in skin of color, it…
Moving Towards Equity: Disparities in Food Allergy
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersRecorded on: 2/9/2022In this webinar, our experts address moving the needle towards equitable allergy and asthma care for all patients and practitioners, in all communities – particularly communities of color.Supported by Novartis.Learning ObjectivesRecognize the racial, ethnic…
ACAAI 2025 Allergen Extract Mixing Course
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articleRegister by March 29, 2025 and get early bird pricing! Early bird price: $299 College members/$399 non-members. After March 29, 2025: $399 members/$499 non-members.NOTE: Only registered participants will be admitted to the 2025 Allergen Extract Mixing Course on May 17…
The Importance of Proactively Addressing and De-labeling Antibiotic Allergy (AAN)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSession recorded on January 29, 2024Speaker: Kimberly Blumenthal, MD, MSCWith the rise of drug-resistant organisms, proactive evaluation and delabeling of inaccurate antibiotic allergies is a key component of antibiotics stewardship and quality improvement. Unverified penicillin allergies can have…
Food Allergy eYardstick
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articleThe Food Allergy eYardstick discusses the latest updates in food allergy treatment options and how to utilize the shared decision making process with patients. This interactive version is designed to enable practitioners to intuitively and efficiently utilize the yardstick model in an office setting. Price…
Allergy Office: Essentials
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members, $129 for non-membersThese modules provide real-world practice management advice packaged in bite-sized chunks that can be quickly implemented in your practice. Each module takes about 15 minutes, and the series focuses on allergy practice improvement strategies in six…
AllergyTalk Disparities in PIDD Miniseries Episode 3: Improving Access to Treatment for PIDD in Minority/Underserved Populations
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will outline barriers to immune globulin and transplantation and offer solutions.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians…
AllergyTalk Disparities in PIDD Miniseries Episode 1: Underdiagnosis of PIDD in Minority/Underserved Populations
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will review the current evidence of underdiagnosis of PIDD in minority/underserved populations. AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education…
AllergyTalk Disparities in PIDD Miniseries Episode 2: Addressing the Barriers to Diagnosis of PIDD in Minority/Underserved Populations
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersThis episode will outline each barrier discussed in PIDD miniseries episode 1 and then offer resources and solutions.AccreditationThe American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide…
AllergyTalk Episode 33 - Are We Testing for Hymenoptera Backwards?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Vivian Hernandez-Trujillo, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter…
AllergyTalk Episode 36 - How Safe Are Oral Corticosteroids?
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSpeakers: Gerald Lee, MD, Stanley Fineman, MD and Samantha Knox, MDListeners can earn credit by completing the posttest questionsAllergyTalk is a podcast designed to provide easy access to research summaries from Allergy Watch and recommendations from subject matter experts…
Not Everything That Coughs Is Asthma (AAN)
Course Opens: | Course Expires:Read the full articlePrice: FREE for members and non-membersSession recorded on January 11, 2024Speaker: Nancy Joseph, DO, FACAAIWhen coughing persists longer than eight weeks in adults, it’s considered a chronic cough. Chronic coughing may have different causes. In this webinar, Dr. Nancy Joseph will discuss the…